Is that all there is?
Is that all there is?
What happens in the brief moment…
…before you decide to take a picture of a beautiful flower?
What causes you to stop and look again?
This is exactly what Christopher Janus explored and found out in Tangier Gardens. Try it yourself @ https://amzn.to/3HLrtyv
Even a thistle can have its attraction.
Later on if you get too close, you’ll get hurt.
But CJ did get too close… was he too close to the cannabis or the absinthe? Find out in Tangier Gardens.
Try the story @ https://amzn.to/3HLrtyv
Just one of those days.
Nothing quite right.
Maybe tomorrow.
The flower beckoned but I could not capture the invitation.
And CJ, too, in his design study, almost got it right, but not quite, in Tangier Gardens.
Try the story @ https://amzn.to/3HLrtyv
Finally dragged my sorry rear-end away from the screen, out of my mom’s basement yesterday to find the following.
Connecting with nature. It keeps me alive. It kept CJ alive in Tangier Gardens. Read about it yourself @ https://amzn.to/3HLrtyv.
We had April showers and we found May flowers. Modest pleasures. But roses are so much more.
CJ was not so fortunate, but he did find transcendent pleasures in Tangier Gardens. Read a free Amazon sample of my novel–lots of plants, gardens and landscape adventures–via a safe, clean, secure and direct link @ https://amzn.to/3HLrtyv.
Nature, the environment can hurt so bad—we feel it;
…but it can also inspire hope, recovery, improvement.
CJ learned this lesson in Morocco; read Tangier Gardens: buy it on Amazon here: https://amzn.to/3HLrtyv
Do you remember the first time you felt, through your sense of sight or your sense of smell, the absolute magic of plants: trees, shrubs, flowers, leaves?
Do you?
Well, my friends, it is a joy that you can find everyday… is it not?
The glory of that experience is the story of Tangier Gardens.
Read Tangier Gardens. Re-live the fun.
How great, peaceful and refreshing are the simplest pleasures of nature’s plants.
Have you forgotten? Then read Tangier Gardens.
Everybody wants it; but can health, good health be seen?
I’m not talking about humans.
This is about plants. And it is not a discussion about the definition of beauty or the definition of good health.
It is rather about what our eyes can observe. See a beautiful plant. See a beautiful flower. We are accustomed to those.
But something happened to me the other day on a walk. Our local weather has been good: sunshine, warmth and deep gentle rains. Locally, one finds in many home gardens well maintained topsoil–mulched with animal manures and dug in every year.
What does that mean? Healthy plant growth. And even with very common plants, their health shines. It captured my attention recently. My photo shows that. I hope you can see it.
Unusual perceptions of plants and their flowers? That is what CJ experienced for the first time in my book, Tangier Gardens. If you like plants and their flowers you will like CJ’s story.
As it has for millennia…the fragrant rose…exudes a mellow sweetness that quietly and slowly penetrates the deepest corners of the heart and surreptitiously intoxicates…soothes all emotions.
Get close to a fragrant rose today. It is a free pleasure. Let that fragrance enter your being.
When CJ was in Morocco, it was not scent so much as the sights and sounds of the plants that entered his being and took him to places never talked about at university.