I ain’t staying inside…

…when I’ve got this outside!

Spring sunshine!

Spring oxygen!

Spring growth!

Spring green!

Spring birdsong!

Spring fresh air!

Spring joy!

Spring flowers!

Can you find any of the above in the following images?

Or better yet…go out and find them yourself.



I had lunch, with a couple chums, over at my friend’s place today.

In case you think it was too early to have a picnic…just nearby the first spring hay was being cut. And, oh how I wish I could share with you that sweet spring green fragrance.

This is the pasture the morning before it was cut.

Black Bird

[soundcloud url=”https://api.soundcloud.com/tracks/316562195″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”150″ iframe=”true” /]

About this time of year, the early spring on the northern slope of the Swiss Alps in the Jungfrau Region–as the grasses first turn a full green, as the first wild primroses bloom, as the forsythia and magnolias bloom, the farmers bring out the sheep and cows–the bells and their random mystical ringing. At this same time a unique spring melody plays as the sparrows and the blackbirds greet the animals and the warmer sunny days.

If you try, you can almost add this photo plus the bird song to discover the briefest moment of fresh, sweet, spring air in the Swiss Alps.