Scherenschnitt and Winter

Winter tree model for paper-cutting, scherenschnitt

Decades in the Arabian Peninsula on the Tropic of Cancer and winter cold becomes welcome.

Ice: winter cold

CJ spent so much time on the Tropic of Cancer in Arabia that he desired the cold of winter; but as a youth in Tangier Gardens, he didn’t know that was in store for him.

Buy the book and find out how it came about @


Had your fill of 2023??

Brighten up. Re-charge!

Find the most efficient, accessible and best way to re-charge in 2024.

That is what CJ discovered in my book Tangier Gardens. The ebook is on sale, 75% off!! 

TODAY ONLY @ Smashwords, here:

Magische… dreaming… white Christmas

Tired of…

…politics and socio-cultural tripe?

Take a break at home!

Buy my book, Tangier Gardens, a thrilling travel and landscape adventure!

Great gift–massive sale–only $0.99!! 

Last minute Christmas shopping for you and all your friends into travel and landscape!

At Smashwords–now

Autumn Unvarnished

Autumn IRL

Science has lost its magic since the covid. Academe has lost its magic since the wokeism. I fall  back into the era of Christianity and alchemy where nature and its connection to human emotion is magic, a gift from God… but life ain’t just a bowl of cherries.

Take me where it is real.

Forget Science, Forget Gaia

No photographic excellence here.

Clouds, forests, mountains and sky–do clouds dance? Gracefully?

Click this image.

Now, tell me what you see…

I see inspiration. I was inspired to write. Fictional autobiographies by Christopher Janus. Arcane adventures in nature. Read the first, Tangier Gardens. On sale now for a short time.

Take a walk in Tangier Gardens.

Only 99cents at Smashwords this link:

“The Landscape Architect” Series–update

CJ was in Morocco during Tangier Gardens and Curious Tales, the first two books in The Landscape Architect Series, which now have been published.

The next two books have CJ in Saudi Arabia, Thailand, Switzerland and Egypt…BUT

…springtime in these Swiss mountains and lakes has been so enchanting that I have had to go outside and walk and walk and walk. My novels suffer. Yenbo Palms and Crystal Vision will be published before the end of this year.

Please sign up on my email list for pre-release details and discounts. Thank you.