My book Tangier Gardens is an armchair trip to the Mediterranean, its gardens, plants and landscape, North African-style.
Like all of us on life’s journey, CJ suffers.
CJ really needs a break. He has been busting his hump full time six years at university with one more class till graduation.
He’s studying landscape architecture, into pedestrian towns and warm sandy beaches. For his last class, a term abroad design study, he’s on his way to Tangier, a town with sandy beaches on the Med and a historical pedestrian district, the medina.
CJ’s journey? It is the same as what we all take to find existential relief–we all ache for that peace.
Portals are the points in that journey where not only CJ but each of us recognizes that the source of existential relief is right before us. In essence, the journeys and portals are about internal self help. CJ doesn’t know it, but he is on that journey.
In north west Africa CJ learns about landscape, gardens and plants what they never taught at university. And all CJ wanted was the Med sun, sand and…
However, crossing the Strait of Gibraltar and landing in Tangier immediately upset his planned observe-and-check-the-box easy design study. He is thrown off balance and he has to start all over from scratch–no more easy study.
…the landscape had always been CJ’s cherished muse–what could go wrong in a place with sandy beaches on the Mediterranean?
But, when CJ crosses the Strait of Gibraltar, his landscape muse, now the north west Africa landscape, becomes his worst enemy. He sinks quickly. Survival?

And CJ is in the midst of it all!
In Tangier Gardens follow CJ as he learns about portals amidst his challenges in the north west African landscape. In Yenbo Palms follow CJ into the desert landscape of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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