
I like the essential lightness in this word:  landscapeyness.

In real life, I find lightness both in landscapes and also in gardens. Among their many aspects, I like them for their landscapeyness.

Landscapes and gardens–this ultimate pair of two syllable words–each carrying an immeasurable gravitas buried within the burls of all human civilizations–each twisting and turning through the world’s cultures and around and through the time lines of human history–twisting and turning, forming and reforming, always in a deep harmony.

Can landscapeyness and deep harmony co-exist? Of course!  Look at these images brimming with landscapeyness and deep harmony.

These images are SchnerenSchnit (German). SchnerenSchnit is scissors cut–the art and craft of cutting paper.  It has been practiced in Swiss mountain villages before modern media, and continues on in some places still today.  I have included these images of ScherenSchnit because they demonstrate the skeins, the threads, the cellulose, that connect and combine landscapeyness and deep harmony into an almost transcendental relationship between people and plants, gardens and landscapes.

Shelter, water, work, nurture, people, craft, landscape…

Shelter, water, work, nurture, people, craft, landscape…

Forest, animals, people, nurture, rest, music, landscape…

Flowers, forest, animals, children, parents, play, nurture, landscape…

Flowers, forest, family, shelter, animals, people, nurture, landscape…

The tree of life…

Now why did we move to the city?  What are we missing in the city?