The presence and absence of sunlight…

…on earth, water and air.
The presence and absence of sunlight…
…on earth, water and air.
I love to see an agricultural community in transition. Everything counts. Nothing is wasted.
People still remember that everything counts and, for security, nothing is wasted.
Had to catch a bus today. Once a week I have therapy and I get there by bus. Well, on the way…it is mid-March in the Berner Oberlands and March came in like a lion with Russian wind and cold from Siberia. The first two weeks felt the harsh results.
But this morning, on my way to catch the bus, I saw the promise of spring realized. I had to stop and photograph.
Is today the day? For sure.
And even I was still 10 minutes early for a bus that is always on time. Temperature had risen above 50 degree fahrenheit. Mild for mid-March. I sat down and took one more photo before the bus.
Deep breath of fresh water lake air. No chill. Yes, spring.
Water, flowing up and down the trunk road interstate, branches off to the regional limited-access freeway, then via highways to cities and on to local neighborhoods until arriving at each needle, each home…pausing at the stomata, before finally exiting to begin its mystical cycle again.
Water supply infrastructure for these conifers.
Big time flows.
Big time pipes.
Ground water.
I love the feel.
…and humans.
Please remind me–the humans are powerful enough to have done what to this earth?
Fear, uncertainty and dread…all built upon imagined human hubris.
Just take care of your stuff. That should be what humans do. That’s what I see in the above photo where humans have been living for at least a millennium.