Tag Archives: Interlaken
The Right Altitude
May Snow
A week ago I posted Wisteria photo taken the same day, so enamoured I was of its floriferous and fragrant presence. I called it a mature spring dream.
Today, just one week later I had the opportunity to observe a unique scientific reality—that is—higher elevations have cooler temperatures. And that dramatically affects the visual coming of spring.
I live in essentially the same easting and northing for the Wisteria photo and these weather photos below. All have been taken within a 5 mile by 5 mile square on a map. I can observe the weather at 500 meters above sea level—the Wisteria–no snow fall at all–only a cold spring rain.
And I can observe the weather at 1,500 meters above sea level which I did today. My easy access to these very different elevations is possible due to the well developed cog-wheel train system in operation year round in all weather conditions.
Today, at 1,500 meters and higher, I saw no crocus, no dandelion, no green. But I did have the joyous fun of a snowfall in mid Spring—large flakes in blizzard-like conditions up to 12” deep and sticking to all coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs.
Good fun.
Mature Imagination and Youth
late April
Northern hemisphere
Spring moisture
17 degrees centigrade
cloudless sky
mid morning
faint breeze…
…just enough to stir these sweet fragrances
and you will have no doubt…
as you gently and deeply inhale…
A mature spring is about.
About dandelions
***Warning Hate Inside***
When I was a kid, my dad used to send me out in the front yard lawn, early spring, saying, “Get rid of the dandelions—and get out all the roots, too.”
Never, I never won that battle. Always more dandelions and always more vociferous exhortations from my dad.
Dandelion hate. Part of my childhood.
Well, I’ve grown up and now live in a new neighborhood.
And by golly did I have fun yesterday glorifying in the 500 meters above sea level central Switzerland landscape—dancing with the dandelions.
A sea, waves of dandelions in all their floriferous glory. Dancing away my hate.
Dandelions…no matter how seen,
Glowing with energy,
The light of the field.
I’m sure they have forgiven me.
Spring Snow Showers
Northern range of the Swiss Alps.
Last third of April–lots of spring flowers–violets going by–winter clothes put away–boom–spring snow showers.
Black Bird
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About this time of year, the early spring on the northern slope of the Swiss Alps in the Jungfrau Region–as the grasses first turn a full green, as the first wild primroses bloom, as the forsythia and magnolias bloom, the farmers bring out the sheep and cows–the bells and their random mystical ringing. At this same time a unique spring melody plays as the sparrows and the blackbirds greet the animals and the warmer sunny days.
The spring wild flowers in homeowners’ lawns speak Easter to my memories.
Between the mountain air and those flowering plants is an aura that feeds and frees my creative synapses. Absolutely amazing.
Some people might call it a ‘natural high’ but no. Whatever it is, it inspires, it energizes and encourages the freedom that is the base of creative thoughts, words and deeds.
How can the beauty of spring become black and white and retain its ethereality?
The same but different. We have just to live it.
Der Frühling ist da
…a south facing slope at 580 meters above sea level on the northern edge of the Swiss Alps…
As I leave civilization
…it is not without trepidation that I travel, from my savoured highlands, down into the infamous 21st century cities of Western Europe.
I’ll be back.
Bi-seasonal…yes, I am
Sliding past winter to spring. The pleasure present and the pleasure soon to come.