Sky, water…

…I'm here now…or was…


…and humans.

Please remind me–the humans are powerful enough to have done what to this earth?

Fear, uncertainty and dread…all built upon imagined human hubris.

Just take care of your stuff. That should be what humans do. That’s what I see in the above photo where humans have been living for at least a millennium.

People and Plants Caption?



This is a bit of a change. But most of my posts are about real life, so I guess this fits in.

All I see in this photo is an attempt at ‘cross-cultural integration’. Is that sad or is that just a practical fact of life?

Do any of you have experience with signs like this?

If so, in public or in your home?

Do any of you wonder why this sign was put up?

Do any of you wonder what happens if this sign isn’t put up?


Oh heck, forget it. I’ve been living in foreign countries too long. I’ve forgotten what is culturally right or culturally wrong.

Happy holidays to all. I’m going out for a walk, maybe an adventure.

…some blow…

An adventure in the making…going my way?