Between 14-18 July 2015, on each day, I will be making a post in celebration of International Authors’ Day, featuring reviews of works by Kenneth Grahame, J.L. Borges and Algernon Blackwood, authors whose works have been formative inspirations for me.
These posts will be made as part of a Blog Hop as can be seen and visited through the links at the bottom of each post.
Also at the bottom of each post please find the giveaway question:
Plants: how do they inspire you?
Please answer that question in the comments section. On the last day of this International Authors’ Day Blog Hop, I will randomly select a winner to receive The 23 Club, Beta 6, a free giveaway for your reading enjoyment
Landscape Story–what is it?
14July 2015
On Ecology–Kenneth Grahame
Landscape Mysteries–Algernon Blackwood
Existential Garden Visits–JL Borges
The 23 Club, Beta 6 Giveaway

In The 23 Club, Erik Chalmers, a landscape architect, follows his obsession to build beautiful and captivating gardens–this time to The Empty Quarter.
they can grow like people
Very nice post! Thanks for commenting on mine. Enjoy the BlogHop!
Sorry, put wrong blog link. Here it is: Nancy’s Blog
Creative way to celebrate IAD! How do plants inspire me? As a writer, I can think of books like “The Ruins” by Scott Smith. Plants are very versatile, in appearance and uses, and even anthropomorphizing them. 🙂 I haven’t yet written a story about a plant… something to think about. Nancy’s Blog
Great Post! Great idea on posting different authors each day:0
Plants: how do they inspire you? They certainly stretch my brown thumb. Now that I have plumeria that is actually growing, I’m determined to keep it (and my other plants) alive! Knowing the plants provide for us as we care for them is always an inspiriting thought for me. Weeds? I don’t find them very inspiring.
Hey! Thank you! You made it happen!
My pleasure!
Thank You so Much for participating in this Blog Hop!
We have both been visiting each other’s web site at the same time–St Lucia landscape!
Just hopping by.
How do plants inspire me. Just watching them transform from seed to a majestic plant that can provide food or shelter from the heat is magnificient for me. And also shoot out some beautiful flowers so I can feast my eyes.
Love the blog. Happy hopping!
My pleasure!
Thank you for mentioning Alice Hoffman and her work!
How interesting to build a body of work around an idea such as landscape. Very cool. I find myself most inspired by plants when I read novels by Alice Hoffman. Her plants and settings echo so perfectly the mood of the novels. Two of her best novels that incorporate nature are Practical Magic and The Museum of Unusual Things.
Plants are inspiring because of their perseverance to thrive and remain beautiful even under the worst of conditions.
Great idea for a post. Happy Hopping and thank you for visiting our site earlier.
I love your idea of featuring specific authors each day. I reblogged via WordPress. Happy Hopping
Reblogged this on Defining Ways .
I recently wrote a short story where the main character was a plant, but that’s not usual. Plants are inspiring because of the many attributes they can have. The can be edible, medicinal, and even decorative.