This week on the first day of Spring I found these. Could there not be a more peaceful yet refreshing image of the coming of Spring?
But it is still March and with snow in the forecast, the March lion may yet be released.
Uncertainty in the landscape? For sure.
That’s what CJ found in Tangier Gardens. Read a free Amazon sample of my novel via a safe, clean, secure and direct link @ https://amzn.to/3HLrtyv
Should we have the time . . . 🙂
And that is a mystery. Some religions have tried to address that as the beauty of our unfallen nature and our desire to recover it. But that is for another website. 🙂
Gorgeous. And such is the source of many an artist’s inspiration.
But while artists are intent upon rendering such beauty permanent, nature is into splendorous brevity. Why, I wonder, do we seek to trap beauty. Does it fulfil some deep need in us.