#Morocco #Tangier #Mediterranean #FlashFiction #LandscapeArchitecture #Design #Cultures

Travel with us to Morocco on a fun trip. Together we will be weaving culture with horticulture. That arcane weave is the magic connection of humans with nature.
CJ is an American, born in the Midwest, raised in New Mexico—a hard worker who found his muse in the landscape.
At university, he grew to embrace music, literature and all the fine arts with humanitarian, environmental and spiritual sensibilities.
Studying landscape architecture, CJ was into pedestrian towns and warm sandy beaches. For his last class, a term abroad design study, he was in Tangier, a town with sandy beaches on the Med and a historical pedestrian district, the medina. But CJ got more than he bargained for… and it wasn’t a good time.
And the subject of CJ’s 43 tales? …his daily life, the high points, the low points–nothing was normal–it was all curious.
#Morocco #Tangier #Mediterranean #FlashFiction #LandscapeArchitecture #Design #Cultures
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