The inspiration that enables us to reach our goals and higher?

Tolkien started a walk that changed his life and our lives.

In 1911, when John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was 19, he travelled on foot from Interlaken to Zermatt with a group of 11 companions, and saw the Lauterbrunnen waterfalls, the Swiss Alpine peaks and the Aletsch glacier, all of which were reproduced in his own drawings in his books.

But what really started his creative fire? And what could start your creative fire?

It can’t be a package tour itinerary, can it?

It can’t be a must see bucket list can it?

If it isn’t the overwhelming beauty of the landscape.

If it isn’t the peaceful quiet of the landscape.

If it isn’t the rich bounty of the landscape.

Then what is it?

All the senses at once consumed—the path to the pineal—and then what? Inspired? How did that happen? not photos, not movies, not virtual reality—but in real life something happened to Tolkien and something can happen to any of us.

Then what was, what is it? Not only was it what he saw. But he felt something—something that inspired him to a masterful effort. We can all see it; but just seeing is not enough.

We can access that spark—but the process is mysterious. How to find that door of inspiration in the landscape—that portal to exceptional effort, exceptional achievement.

Some say the harder we look the more difficult to encounter the reveal. The reveal that refreshes.

In Tangier Gardens, protagonist CJ defined that moment of inspiration in the garden, in the landscape as a portal. A portal.

I am certain Tolkien crossed a portal in the Jungfrau landscape. After which he was never the same. He took the portal experience and over years elaborated on it and shared it through his books and illustrations.

That originating experience remains in these Jungfrau Region mountain landscapes—but not everyone finds that magic portal. Some say it is the work of the pineal gland.

Drive it? Fly it? Take the train? Ride a bike?

Walk it. In the quiet of walk the portal may more easily reveal itself. When that light shines, there is no mistaking it. Can’t be seen, can’t be heard; but communication happens—like instant trance—beyond meditation.

Read how CJ discovers portals in Tangier Gardens. Find the portals for yourself.

Take your part in one of life’s greatest mysteries.


Multimedia–Apple Music, Photos, Motion; Affinity Photo; Wonderdraft.

Photos–by author.

Music–C418-Minecraft-Volume Alpha by permission.

3D Map of Jungfrau Region by permission

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