For years I lived in the Middle East, the Arabian Peninsula and the Bosphor. For years I lived in Switzerland, the Berner Oberland, Jungfrau Region.
The Middle East was always short of mature well formed trees…for various reasons–not native to the Arabian Peninsula and too heavily human populated–all trees cut up or cut down on the Bosphor.
But in Switzerland, the Berner Oberland, Jungfrau Region human population is low and trees are native.

This isn’t a golf course. This is pastureland abutting a forest. Humans have been managing this landscape, with local records dating back over 700 years. And this is the result. I love it. I feel at ease, peaceful when viewing this landscape because of the pleasing shape of mature trees…for me, it is the hard work of stewardship–taking care of forests and pastures. Sweet!
I agree. In France where we live stewardship of trees is abissmal. Cutting for firewood and not replanting. It’s the short sighted way I thought we had all grown out of after seeing the devastation of the industrial revolution and modern cattle farming.
We recently moved from Florida to Ohio. Palm trees were exotic, especially when silhouetted at sunset. But how I love the big old trees all around us now.