I just can’t help myself


Where oh where can the apples be?

It is the middle of the northern hemisphere winter.

The time of death.

The time of life hidden.

Yet when I look at these mature apple trees, smiles of hope well up inside me.

My imagination sees apple blossoms;

Smells apple blossoms;

Tastes apples off the tree;

Tastes apple pies;

Tastes apfelcheuchli;

And having had my senses gratified, I sleep peacefully.

Please share your apple thoughts and memories.

6 thoughts on “I just can’t help myself

  1. ‘girl brought in from the farm to cook’ I like that. It reminds me of what I see around me. The apple trees grow naturally and everyone who works in a home kitchen knows every way to cook with them to make them exceptionally tasteful even in the worst of seasons. Thank you.

  2. We were in a decrepit West Glacier Montana restaurant only because a river guide recommended it. We ate the best apple pie ever, the product of a girl brought in from the farm to cook.

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