Can’t find my way home

…can't find my way home…

The various clouds appear, disappear, move and change at many different speeds simultaneously–and today they hid the giants of Jungfrau, Monch and Eiger–normally visible in this frame.

I am working on a story, The Orient Express, whose beginning and dénouement occur in the mountains surrounding Mürren in Switzerland.

This landscape inspires me because its very presence is mysterious–a consuming presence that forces me to interact with an elusive and overwhelming mystery…without beginning, without end…

Landscapes such as this are beyond my words.

5 thoughts on “Can’t find my way home

  1. No doubt you’ve watched the clouds parting over the mountain peaks in Herzog’s early great films such as Fitzcarraldo and The Wrath of Aguirre which your shot here reminded me of.

    Thanks, too, for stopping by my site.

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