These posts will be made as part of a Blog Hop as can be seen and visited through the links at the bottom of each post.
Today is 15July2015.
On Ecology–Kenneth Grahame
Kenneth Grahame, 1859-1932, access to his works at Gutenberg.
Especially in Kenneth Grahame’s Wind in the Willows, E.H. Shepard’s illustrations imparted the author’s deep feelings for the forest landscape and its inhabitants.
While many think of Wind in the Willows (1908) as Toad of Toad Hall–it really is an intimate picture of the landscape around which Kenneth Grahame grew up and always loved.
I think of him as the first Ecologist. Most of us, when we think of ecology, think first of the Odum brothers in the 1950s. But for me, it was the observational powers of Kenneth Grahame–how the flora and fauna intimately interacted on diurnal and seasonal bases in his own local patch.
The following two minute sound clip documents Kenneth Grahame’s heartfelt understanding of the landscape.
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I respect, I highly value his powers of observation. Unfortunately his efforts have been blacklisted, by some cultural revisionists, as anthropomorphic, but…that bit of censoring is only as transient in time as a slight breeze on a hot, still, summer day.
Kenneth Grahame’s work will return–be it Wind in the Willows, 1908 or Pagan Papers, 1893 when he was already asking ‘Are we irrevocably cut off from the natural world, or might there still be a way back to it?’
He knew of the power in the landscape.
Plants: how do they inspire you?
Please answer that question because on the last day of this International Authors’ Day Blog Hop, I will randomly select a winner to receive The 23 Club, Beta 6, a free giveaway for your reading enjoyment.
they can grow
The idea that as we care for plants, they in turn care for us, that’s inspiring to me. I’m terrible at gardening, brown thumb for sure. But I’m constantly pushing myself to research and learn so I provide better care for my garden. Lack of knowledge could mean the death or unnecessary pruning. Thanks for sharing!
How do plants inspire me? By the way they tie me to the natural world. That I can care for them and admire them is a bond.
I really enjoy your audio. Fun visiting your blog