…the last snow…

…pure white…

All white. Is it purity or are my eyes influenced by my hopes and dreams?

I almost missed…Spring: the last snow…

We all have been busy in the northern hemisphere as winter expired into spring–I too, have been busy–so much so that I almost missed that winter into spring transition–so here begins a series of transition images from these Alpine slopes that capture that transition.

The roots are churning–heat is on the way. The surface above the roots is melted–but I don’t hear anything.

…too busy…almost missed Spring…1…next

3 thoughts on “…the last snow…

  1. Pingback: Spring Sun Glory | flahertylandscape

  2. Pingback: …winter tries to make a comeback… | flahertylandscape

  3. A great tribute to spring with beautiful images. As a child in Norway I was always longing for spring to come, the best season of all. Ice and snow are withdrawing and it’s not too hot (not the summers were really that hot …) I love the first winter photo and the second one is a
    gem with the melted surface above the roots. A spot where I’d love to stop to listen to things I can’t hear.
    Have a wonderful Sunday,

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