Beta 03 of The 23 Club


27Aug2013, The 23 Club Beta 03 has been released.

Beta 03 includes:

1) A reformatting of endnotes into page notes,

2) An addition of two episodes as part of the consolidation of characters and plot,

3) A partial reinstatement of the detailed table of contents, and,

4) Proofreading corrections.

The 23 Club is literary fiction.  It is a landscape story, novella length, 50,000 words.  It takes place in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, the Empty Quarter.  It is about people and plants in a strange landscape.

This is a link to The 23 Club Beta 03 pdf file.

This is a link to a six minute trailer that will give you a taste of the flavors and content.

Please comment and let me know if you like it.  Let me know if you understand what is a landscape story.  Thanks.

The 23 Club Book Cover

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