People connecting with landscape via…


Most North Americans are overwhelmed by the convenience and connectivity of the various forms of public transport in Switzerland.  It is an effectively interwoven network that begins at the airports and train stations where it is most dense.  Then it gradually thins out as you travel higher into the mountains and further away from the cities.

At the final destination, you can find Swiss people in blissful contact with the landscape, as the following images demonstrate.

How much do you think access to this landscape pleasure is worth in any urban design?

Look at the faces of these people 2,250 meters above mean sea level…transcendental enjoyment if I have ever seen it!  Music, people, landscape.

The landscape above

The landscape above

The landscape below


Alphorn painted details

Alphorn craftsmanship

Landscape, alphorns, people

Landscape, people, music

People and music

People and music

People in the landscape