Mysterious? What are you talking about?
I enjoy exploring the details of landscape and gardens.

Yesterday I was walking outdoors and discovered this Hamamelis mollis hybrid in glorious winter flower. I checked for a scent and enjoyed a light but gently intoxicating fragrance. Hamamelis? Common name = witch hazel.
Why witch and why hazel? Answers online and in books inconclusive and vague. Not a hazel and nothing to do with witches.
And the fragrance, nobody in the home-grown-health, medical or perfume communities could define or replicate that witch hazel scent. Check it yourself.
So where do I turn?
I, a novelist, have created a protagonist in my image—obsessed with landscape, gardens and plants. In my novel, Tangier Gardens, the protagonist, CJ, explores in Morocco the landscape of northwest Africa as well as the gardens and plants of Tangier.
You can sample his story for free @
There is something – bewitching – in its beauty . . .