Mountains Are Mysterious

They take lives without mercy.

The closer you get to them the more diversified, dangerous and threatening the topography, forests, cliffs, ravines and rivulets become.

Mountains make clouds do things.

Under the forest cloak, the mysteries become all-consuming.

Then how do the mountains turn into something marvellous?

This is landscape.

And this is what Christopher Janus explores in Tangier Gardens.

Try the story @


This photo with the foreground geranium detail, the middleground freshwater lake and the background village, forests and mountain clouds… They encapsulate the Swiss Alp landscape that endlessly inspires me each and every day. Makes writing stories like Tangier Gardens a thrill, a charm.  Try the story @

Connecting with Nature

Finally dragged my sorry rear-end away from the screen, out of my mom’s basement yesterday to find the following.

Connecting with nature. It keeps me alive. It kept CJ alive in Tangier Gardens. Read about it yourself @