Tangier Gardens-IT’S FREE TODAY

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Weaving culture with horticulture…

That is the beginning of the arcane magic that instructors introduce to students of landscape architecture.

But what happens when those students emerge into our contemporary real life dystopic world?

That is indeed what I wrote about in Tangier Gardens

My ebook, Tangier Gardens, is FREE on Amazon TODAY.

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Let’s have a party

FREE 5-minute-read–Kindle Vella

In their homes, Moroccan families are welcoming to strangers, Western tourists, especially on the big party holidays of Eid al Seglir and Eid al Kebir.

But this party, Welcome Ramadan Party, in the Tangier Kasbah, was hosted in the riad of an American expatriate. Nobody could have guessed what was about to happen.

2 of 3 for USA readers only. No traps. No obligations. Just a short, fun, FREE read. CLICK HERE!

College in Tangier?

FREE 5-minute-Read–Kindle Vella

For decades, the word on the street in Morocco was that persons of ill repute, of all ages, were drawn to Tangier. This story is about 21st century Westerners who were drawn to Tangier.

Who likes Mediterranean gardens and landscapes? Is that a real question?

1 of 3 for USA Readers only. No traps. No obligations. Just a short, fun, FREE read. CLICK HERE!

3 for 1–a good deal

Another FREE Vella Episode

3 for 1–a good deal: FREE and available now at Vella here–>https://tinyurl.com/3fhvpdsd


And coming next week Vella.02. A NEW Vella story = North or northwest?

What is it?

Majoring in Landscape Architecture, CJ is in Tangier on a term abroad design study. The visit occurs at the turn of the 21st century, barely before the 9/11 disaster. 

The landscape had always been CJ’s muse. But in Morocco, he did battle with it. He was confused by it. He tried to understand it. Its oriental roots ran deep across the entirety of north Africa. 

But he discovered that the Moroccan landscape had equally strong roots deep into the dark heartland of west Africa. In Morocco. In the coming Vella, CJ recounts some of his northwest Africa explorations.

Find the FREE Vella episodes here–>https://tinyurl.com/3fhvpdsd 

Want to keep up with CJ’s international landscape adventures and get advance notice of free copies, then click here–>https://tinyurl.com/bdyjwrak


FREE Vella episodes

Okay–put up my first Vella (American college student in Tangier)–three short episodes(700wds each average)–more to come.

FREE episodes

But that is not the whole story.

I self-published Tangier Gardens(120,000wds) via KDP select in March and after the 5 day free offer launch (50 downloads) everything has gone to sleep–deep sleep. 

I had a bunch of background stories that didn’t make it into the final Tangier Gardens, so I figured to put them together on Vella.

I need some feedback from the Vella episodes. What is missing? What is disappointing? What is good?

Find the FREE Vella episodes here–>https://tinyurl.com/3fhvpdsd 

Find Tangier Gardens here–>https://tinyurl.com/2p9e66xm